Why Use Direct Mail Marketing for Virginia Attorneys
There is really nothing like it. Direct mail is a powerful form of advertising that Virginia attorneys can use to get new criminal and traffic cases. The Virginia Bar may regulate and restrict...
Are You a New Virginia Attorney? Tips For Starting Out
The choice of the newly minted Virginia attorney is not an easy one - start as an associate working at an established law firm, or "go solo" and open your own law firm. This blog article discusses...
How to Create a Letter for Direct Mail Marketing
Crafting the perfect direct mail advertisement letter is an art form. You cannot just include any old content and expect potential clients to want to call and hire you. It is competitive out there....
How to Deal with Difficult Clients
Most clients are great and remind Virginia attorneys why they started practicing law in the first place. Other clients are difficult to deal with and highly unpleasant. This blog post discusses what...
Virginia has the strictest traffic laws in the nation. Many ordinary, everyday, middle class people are charged each day in Virginia with reckless driving. Reckless driving is a serious crime under...
Many attorneys who have just passed the bar desire to start their own law firm. So do many experienced attorneys who are looking to leave a job with a more established firm and strike out on their...
Virginia is one of the most lucrative states for a criminal defense lawyer to practice in. But like with practicing in other states, one of the key struggles of Virginia attorneys is how to get new...
For a law firm to be successful, it must treat its clients well and provide them with not just good legal advice and service, but pleasant customer service as well. In today's age, customers expect to...
Considerations Before Opening a New Law Practice
Starting a new law firm is usually a difficult but rewarding journey for an attorney. Before taking on that first client, a lawyer will have to decide on the corporate structure that the law firm will...
Direct Mail: Just get the Data or Have a Company Do Everything?
So you have decided to use direct mail marketing for your Virginia law firm. This is a good choice, but now there is another choice to make - Traditional Service versus Full Service. With Traditional...